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The Motivated CEO: Business Strategy for Entrepreneurs,
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The Power of Clarity, Self-Awareness, and Discipline in Achieving Your Success
1. Clarity: Your North Star
Clarity is the bedrock of any successful endeavor. It acts as your internal GPS, guiding your decisions, actions, and strategies. Clarity isn’t just about knowing what you want; it’s also about understanding why you want it. This "why" is the fuel that drives your actions and keeps you steadfast when the road gets rough.
In "The Motivated CEO Podcast," Amy emphasized the importance of clarity by referring to it as a North Star. This clarity allows you to evaluate the data you gather in your business objectively, removing emotional biases and enabling informed decisions. It’s about structuring your path so you can consistently move from point A to point B effectively. Embrace clarity, and watch as it transforms confusion into a structured pathway towards your goals.
2. Massive Self-Awareness: Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Massive self-awareness is the second critical habit. Being in tune with your strengths and weaknesses enables you to navigate the highs and lows of your business landscape. Amy encourages entrepreneurs to stop leading with emotion. This doesn’t mean disregarding your feelings but rather not allowing self-doubt and imposter syndrome to dictate your actions.
Self-awareness provides the lens through which you can scrutinize your habits, patterns, and responses. By understanding these facets of your character, you can better position yourself for growth. It’s about knowing your "zone of genius"—the areas where you excel—and recognizing when to delegate tasks. Self-awareness brings you closer to a balanced and productive state, where you can leverage your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses.
3. Willingness to Stretch Outside Your Comfort Zone
Success doesn’t come from playing it safe. Amy’s third habit revolves around the bravery to stretch beyond your comfort zone. She vividly shares her personal journey from a shy individual to a podcast host with over 350 episodes.
Stepping out of your comfort zone often involves embracing the potential of being misunderstood. But as Amy points out, this willingness is crucial for making a more significant impact. It’s about confronting the unknown and the uncomfortable, knowing that growth lies just beyond the edges of your comfort. This habit teaches us the importance of audacity in a world where following trends can stifle individual potential.
4. Discipline: Consistency Over Time
Lastly, discipline ties all these habits together. There's an unmistakable value in showing up consistently, even when motivation wanes. Discipline means doing the necessary work over and over again, much like consistently going to the gym to see noticeable fitness results.
In the podcast, Amy draws parallels to the online space where income-based marketing often glamorizes success. However, real, sustainable success is not about sporadic bursts of effort; it’s about steady, disciplined action over time. Success requires the resilience to persist through distractions, setbacks, and the allure of "shiny objects."
Conclusion: Reflect, Adapt, and Execute
Reflecting on who you view as successful and why is a crucial first step in incorporating these habits into your life. Use this reflection to pinpoint the habits and behaviors you need to adopt or discard. As Amy suggests, explore the opportunities for self-improvement and begin making strategic moves towards your goals.
To further aid in your journey, consider utilizing tools like Amy’s CEO Quarterly Review Checklist. It’s designed to help you track your progress and maintain the habits necessary for success.
By adopting clarity, self-awareness, an adventurous spirit, and discipline, you stand a strong chance of creating not just the success you envision, but also the impact you desire.
Episode Links
Check out these episodes packed with even more strategies to help you shatter your sales plateau!
Episode 286. The First Step to Building a Profitable Business
Episode 313. The Motivation Trap
Episode 324. The ONE Thing Between You and Success
Join the Unplugged Challenge. A three day challenge designed to help entrepreneurs reset, refocus, and regain control of their business.
Mentioned in this episode here!
Transcript for Episode 357. Steal These 4 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Amy [00:00:07]:
What is success? It's the million dollar question, right? For many of us, it might be six figures, seven figures, maybe even something bigger. Or what if success isn't something monetary? Is it fame? Is it notoriety? What is success? The good thing? Success is completely subjective. You get to determine what your definition of success is. And yet, in a world that we are inundated with so much noise, we often forget to take the time to really pause and reflect. What does success look like for me? What is that thing that I am striving for? Who do you view as successful in your life? I want you to take a moment and really reflect as to what does success look like to me. Who are those people that I view as successful? At the end of the day, every single one of those people that we view as successful, they're no different than you and I. We all start at ground zero. We all started out as beginners.
Amy [00:01:41]:
No one knew our name. No one knew who we were. We had to show up. We had to put in the work to get the results. And those people that you regard as successful, they are proof. They are proof of possibility, because if they can do it, so can you. So once you've taken the time to really identify, okay, who is it that I view as successful, start to get curious and ask yourself, why. My favorite question, why do I view these people as successful? What common themes, trends am I noticing? What are the commonalities that these people share? And what you can do is take this, because success leaves clues.
Amy [00:02:38]:
So take what they are doing, study their habits, study their behaviors, and figure out, how can I adapt this to my business, to my life, so that I can get to exactly where I want to be. And today, I want to unpack four. Four of the habits that I see over and over and over that make people successful, that really will help you get from point a to point b. And the very first one is clarity. Now, I know you're shocked, right? Because I preach this until I am blue in the face. In fact, we just wrapped up the unplugged challenge, a three day challenge for entrepreneurs to reset, refocus, and regain control. And it all goes back to clarity. Clarity as to what exactly you want and why you want it.
Amy [00:03:42]:
Because what having clarity does is it acts as that gps, as that north star, to keep you going, to keep you moving forward. And what clarity allows you to do then, is objectively use the data that you've gathered in your business to make informed decisions. Using that data to drive your decisions helps take the emotion out of it because it's just giving you feedback as to what is working, what is not working and opens up so many opportunities for improvement that are hiding right there. They're hiding right in front of our eyes and keep us on track. The numbers aren't something that we need to fear. In fact, once we can leverage that data, it's just information to help us get from point a to point b even faster. That's our fuel for the journey. If clarity is where we are headed, that end, success that we desire so badly, that data is the fuel to get us there.
Amy [00:05:00]:
Taking the time to get clear, it's not easy. It's not easy because we are living in a world where we are so distracted, it is so noisy. It is just information overload, that half the time you sit there and you're like, oh, my gosh, I need to do this. I need to do that. We get into this reactive mode, whereas when we're using data, that gives us structure. What does structure create? Structure creates freedom. It creates freedom. So success habit number one, clarity.
Amy [00:05:41]:
Success habit number two, massive self awareness. I want you to write this down because this is a hard truth. I want you to stop. I really, really want you to stop leading with emotion in your business. Now hear me out. I know for some of you, you're like, oh, my gosh, what do you mean, I have to lead with emotion? I am not telling you to completely disregard how you are feeling, because even when you're working a nine to five job, there will be days you have to call off. Right? Our mental health is priority. Our physical health is priority.
Amy [00:06:27]:
Our health in general, our overall, overall well being is so, so important. But when you are showing up only when you want to, when you are only showing up when you feel like it, when you're allowing that imposter syndrome, that self sabotage, to really creep in and run your business, you're holding yourself back. You're holding yourself back from getting in front of the people that need the solution to the problem that you possess. Having self awareness, massive self awareness, will allow you to quickly identify, what are those strengths that I have? What are my weaknesses? Where can I improve again? When you're open to feedback, when you are willing to see those opportunities, it's amazing that right there is where the magic happens. It's when you have such self awareness that you know what your zone of genius is and you know that you're not going to be a master of everything. When be. When you're trying to be a master of all, you accomplish nothing. You accomplish literally nothing.
Amy [00:07:55]:
That's where you get stuck. That's when you're spinning in circles because you're being reactive, you're putting out all the fires behind the scenes, you're navigating, managing the team, doing the forward facing things, all of the tasks that go into building a sustainable business. But when you are willing to ask for and accept help, oh, it takes that burden off of your shoulders. So taking the time to really assess, what are those patterns, those behaviors, those habits that I tend to get into when I feel stressed, when things aren't going well in my business. Habit number two, having massive self awareness. Habit number three, ready. The willingness to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone. Now, I must admit, I never, ever in a million years dreamed that I would have a podcast.
Amy [00:08:59]:
And nevertheless, a podcast with over 350 some episodes, like, who am I? I was always the shy kidde growing up, but I still remember there was one day I was listening to Lindsey Schwartz. I was at a conference, and she was up on stage speaking, and she said something that's really stuck with me. You have to be willing to be misunderstood by a few in order to impact many. Oh, it's crazy, right? You have to be willing to be misunderstood by a few in order to impact many. It's true. It is so, so true. But it's not easy, and it involves getting really uncomfortable. But because I had the self awareness and the clarity now, I was able to have the courage to step away from my nine to five job.
Amy [00:10:01]:
I had the courage to show up unapologetically as myself and realized, you know what? There's gonna be some people that don't like me. The more visibility that I have, the more criticism that I'll get. But at the end of the day, I have to be willing to be misunderstood in order to create that bigger impact. Because your people are out there, if you're listening to this going, yeah, but I get it. I made all of the excuses in the world. I liked my life of comfort, of security. I hate change. Still to this day, I don't like change.
Amy [00:10:44]:
But I know that in order to help others step into their power to achieve their version of success, I've got to get out of my own way. I've got to stop holding myself back, because in doing that, in playing small, how am I then impacting others? You've got to be loud. You've got to be a little bit audacious in this world where everybody's following trends, because we don't want to be judged. We don't want to be seen for who we are. So habit number three, be willing to stretch yourself outside of your comfort zone. And habit number four, be disciplined. And this one is hard. It kind of ties into the emotion that we talked about earlier.
Amy [00:11:40]:
But at the end of the day, it's you versus you. So who is holding yourself accountable? Are you holding yourself accountable? Do you have an accountability, buddy? Do you have a mentor or a coach? How are you staying on track when life lives? Because let's face it, it will. It is going to happen. There are going to be days where you don't feel like showing up. I still have that happen. Oh, my gosh. If you're saying, yep, me too. Yeah, it's the reality.
Amy [00:12:10]:
And that's the thing that people aren't talking about. You know, we see all this income based marketing in the online space, and people throwing around wins like it's confetti. No, this is not easy. But having the discipline to show up over and over and over, even when things don't feel like they're going your way, staying focused in the face of the distractions all around us, vying for our attention, getting sucked into shiny object syndrome, because you know what? That secret to success, that fast track that's hidden inside of that course program, mentor, all of the things. Okay, that's a bunch of b's. It takes consistency, it takes discipline. And I will even tell you, there's nothing magical inside of what I do with my clients. But what it does is it helps hold them accountable.
Amy [00:13:06]:
It helps keep them disciplined on those things, those strategic items that you need to complete in order to move the needle forward. I hate to break it to you, but you can't just sit there manifesting what you want all day long and not actually show up. Stretch yourself and put in the work. Action creates momentum, and momentum creates results. You really need to stay disciplined. This is just like going to the gym. So say I went to the gym one time, like, okay, I'm working out again. I did it once, and then the rest of the week, I just didn't feel like going.
Amy [00:13:57]:
And then at the end of the week, when I step on the scale and I go, oh, wow, wow, that number went up, or it didn't even move. I have no one else but myself to blame. It is a choice. It is a choice that I made. I let myself get into my own way. But in order to get the results, you have to put in the reps. You have to do it over and over and over, even on the days where it's hard. It's discipline, my friend.
Amy [00:14:28]:
Discipline is key. Because again, those that you view as successful, they are no different than you. No different than you. So what I want you to do is take the time to reflect. Reflect and ask yourself, what does success look like to me? Who do I view as successful? And then get curious and unpack exactly why? What are they doing that I can adopt into my own life? What habits do I need to create? What do I need to start doing? What do I need to stop doing? And how can I get out of my own way? When you do this, those opportunities are going to be loud and clear. And if you are interested, right now, we just entered quarter four. Can you believe it? Quarter four of 2024. And I have a completely free checklist for you.
Amy [00:15:37]:
The CEO quarterly review checklist. There's a link in the show notes. Grab this checklist and take the time to reflect back. It walks you through exactly where you are, where you want to be, and then how to get from point a to point b. I am here cheering for you. And until next time, cheers to making the money you want so that you can create the impact you desire.