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3 Signs You May Be Working Too Hard to Grow Your Business with Amy Traugh

Signs You May Be Working Too Hard to Grow Your Business with Amy Traugh

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Breaking the Cycle: From Overwork to Strategic Success

The Hustle Culture Trap

It's easy to get conditioned to think that success stems from non-stop work. Amy notes that this mindset is prevalent across corporate and entrepreneurial landscapes. Initially, the hustle does yield results when a business is being laid down. Yet, when this pattern ceases to generate growth, instead of recalibrating strategy, many choose to double down on effort, slipping into a state of autopilot. This addictive cycle glorifies busyness but equates activity with achievement, which can lead to burnout.

Recognizing Overwork: The Three Major Signs

  1. Constant Work Without Growth: If you’re always clocking in hours yet your business remains stagnant, it might be time to reassess your approach. Amy highlights how a never-ending to-do list and reactive task-switching, such as constantly checking emails and notifications, can mislead you into thinking you are progressing. This mistaken busyness may lead to exhaustion without any substantial results.

    Strategy to Combat: Perform a Time Audit Examining how you spend your time is crucial. Amy suggests the CEO Method from her book as a tool to discern which activities genuinely contribute to growth. By prioritizing revenue-generating tasks and employing task-batching for efficiency, you can strategically channel your efforts.

  2. Guilt When Stepping Away: The inability to disconnect from work is a clear indicator that your business might be too reliant on your constant involvement. This manifests in guilt during off-hours, added pressure when sales dip, and the urge to endlessly expand.

    Strategy to Combat: Test and Streamline Testing the waters by taking a scheduled day off can be revealing. Automation and delegation are powerful tools to reduce reliance on your constant presence. Create templates, use automation software, and, if feasible, delegate tasks to free up your time and allow your business to function autonomously.

  3. Personal Life on the Back Burner: When personal relationships, health, and hobbies become sidelined due to business demands, it's a red flag. Passion for your work shouldn’t translate into life neglect.

    Strategy to Combat: Redefine Success and Balance Shift your success paradigm from non-stop work to encompassing life balance. Prioritize wellness activities like exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest—the real fuels for sustainable business success and decision-making acumen.

Cultivating Intentional Success

Each of the signs above underscores the importance of intentionality in business operations. By tracking performance metrics and employing data-driven decision-making, entrepreneurs can align their activities with outcomes, ensuring meaningful progress rather than aimless effort.

As Amy wisely points out, success is not synonymous with doing more but rather doing what categorically works. Celebrating awareness is the first step towards conscious change. By auditing time use, establishing strategic priorities, automating and delegating non-essential tasks, and setting clear boundaries between work and life, entrepreneurs can cultivate an environment where business grows sustainably.


To navigate away from the productivity trap, it’s imperative to shift from a hustle-driven mindset to strategic stewardship. Revisit the outlined strategies and recalibrate your approach to ensure that your business empowers your life instead of consuming it. As you embark on implementing these shifts, remember that success is in the simplicity of focused and strategic action.

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Transcript for Episode 395. Signs You May Be Working Too Hard to Grow Your Business

Amy [00:00:11]:

We need to talk about something that might be holding you back. Working too hard. I get it. You're probably thinking. But isn't working harder the key to success? At the end of the day, more effort doesn't always mean more growth. And in fact, constantly pushing yourself can actually slow you down. And it's a fast track to burnout.

Amy [00:00:40]:

So if you've been feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or like your business is just running you instead of the other way around, then this episode is for you. Because today I'm breaking down the three key signs that you might be overworking because yourself without actually seeing the return. And more importantly, how to shift your approach so that you can grow your business without being glued to your phone 24 7. But before we dive in, I want to talk a little bit about why this happens. Because it's easy to get conditioned to think that more hustle comes from more work, that success comes from working 24. 7. You know, corporate jobs, social media, even in the entrepreneurial space, a lot of times we glorify these long hours. And multitasking is viewed as the gold standard to be productive.

Amy [00:01:36]:

I even remember back in my 9 to 5, productivity was factored into our yearly performance review. And if you didn't hit those productivity standards, you didn't earn as much of a merit raise. So, you know, we've been conditioned to feel this way. And then early on in business, we again, we're conditioned to think that, yeah, this works. Because when you're laying the foundation, building the connections, getting the business off the ground, you're doing all the things you're seeing that instantaneous those results for your efforts. But at some point, that pattern stops producing the same results. But instead of adjusting, we start to double down and work even more, believing more effort is the answer. And we get into that autopilot mode.

Amy [00:02:22]:

Right? I've done this. And we're doing all of the things all of the time, assuming that if we just push a little bit harder, that breakthrough is going to come. And as entrepreneurs, like, we're, we're naturally driven, go getters. We love what we do. We're so passionate about our work. We believe in it so much. We have our heart and soul in our businesses. So a lot of times we don't even realize that we're addicted to this hustle.

Amy [00:02:48]:

So how do you know that you've crossed the line from hard work to overwork? Let's get into the three major signs. You're probably working too hard to Grow your business. The first sign to take notice of is that you're always working, but your business isn't growing. So how do you recognize this in your business? This shows up in ways like you're constantly busy. You have that never ending to do list, but at the end of the day, you sit at your desk and you go, what did I actually accomplish today? Or you get started for the day and you're checking the emails, DMs, client requests instead of following like a strategic plan. So you wake up and you're feeling like you're in this reactive mode over and over and over, rather than having that clear structure to your day. Or maybe it shows up as, you know, constantly switching between different tasks because a notification's going off on your phone that someone replied to your reel on Instagram or you just got a new email. So what happens is your you're constantly task switching and you feel like you're playing this never ending game of catch up.

Amy [00:03:56]:

But what happens is when your business lacks that clear strategy, it's easy to mistake busyness for progress. And if this sounds familiar, it might be because you're actually spending too much time on things that feel productive but aren't actually moving the needle forward in your business. So if you're constantly drained and still not hitting your your goals, maybe you're just spending too much time in the wrong places. So what can you do instead? And the first one's one of my favorite things. It's a time audit. And I really dive deep into this inside of my book the CEO Method and Entrepreneur's Guide to Business Success. You can actually grab a free copy if you visit freebook and we'll also link that below in the show Notes. But what is a time audit? It's just a very honest reflection as to how are you really spending your time.

Amy [00:04:55]:

Because so many of us, again, we're on autopilot. We're going through our day, we're doing all the things, we're being reactive. But what this time audit does is it really allows us to be intentional and see where we're spending our time. Because if the majority of our time isn't spent on revenue generating activity activities, it's really time to shift our focus. But when we can approach our business from a place of intentionality, when we have defined priorities, that's when we start to see those results. That's when we can take those tasks that are all over our calendar, clogging up our day, and start batching them together. So Instead of jumping between marketing, client work, admin your team, what you can do is start batching together similar tasks in dedicated sessions. And this will boost your efficiency.

Amy [00:05:46]:

And then speaking of efficiency, use that data. Use your metrics. Use the data to drive your decisions. Because at the end of the day, your numbers don't lie. They tell you exactly where your time is paying off and where it's not. And instead of guessing which strategy will work, we can track what's already working and focus there. Because if you're putting in all this effort and not seeing the results, we really want to focus on what does get those results. What can we double down on that's moving the needle forward? But, you know, as entrepreneurs, we get bored and we're living in an on demand world.

Amy [00:06:29]:

And so this can be the tedious part of growing your business. But to have business growth, it requires you to be strategic and to do the things that most people want to get the results that most people don't. That's what it comes down to. It's doing those intentional foundational aspects over and over and over and taking the time to zoom out and strategically look at what's working and what's not. Now, before we dive into sign number two, you may have noticed that we're getting really close to episode 400. And if you know me, you know I believe in celebrating every single win along the way. So to mark the occasion, I'm unveiling something super exciting, but I wanted to make it even a little more fun. So over the next three solo episodes, I'll be dropping a clue in each episode leading up to the big reveal in episode 400.

Amy [00:07:28]:

So here is your first clue. They say a name should reflect who you truly are. It's time for this podcast to step into an identity that truly reflects strategy, simplicity, and a touch of brilliance. Any guesses? Send me a DM over on Instagram me trot. And I would love to hear what you think it may be. So let's get back into these signs. Sign number two, you can't step away without feeling guilty. Oh, yeah.

Amy [00:08:02]:

I mean, be honest. When's the last time you actually unplugged from your business? And for a lot of us, taking a break can make us feel really anxious or make us feel like everything's going to fall apart without us. And this is a red flag. A sustainable business shouldn't crumble just because you step away for a day. Step away for the weekend, step away for a vacation. Remember, we created our business for freedom and flexibility. We didn't quit our 9 to 5 to work 24. 7.

Amy [00:08:34]:

So how do you recognize this? This shows up in feeling uneasy when you're not working. So even on the weekends, constantly checking emails and those notifications or when sales slow down a little, your first instinct is to add more. More offers, more platforms, more strategies without taking the time to see what's actually working. Or maybe you just feel really stretched thin, you're juggling so much and you feel like taking time off will cause everything to collapse. But if your business is only functional when you're in constant hustle mode, it's really time to rethink your approach. So what can we do instead? We can test it. We can test taking a day off, where you step away for a full day and see what happens. This is an experiment.

Amy [00:09:26]:

I love talking about experiments here on the podcast. You know, if things fall apart, it's a sign that your business relies too much on you. And this is a good thing because it's awareness. And awareness is our first step to change. But as you're testing, just know that this takes practice. It's not going to be easy. It's going to be hard to resist the urge to check your phone, to check those emails. And step one you can do is remove the notifications.

Amy [00:09:54]:

Now, what you've done is you've taken that power back, back. Instead of your phone dictating what you do when you do it. Now, it's on your terms and it will be hard. But I believe in you that you can do it, because I had to work through this one as well. And it takes some practice. So just give yourself some grace. But think about when your biggest breakthroughs come. A lot of the time they come come when you're not even working at all.

Amy [00:10:23]:

I mean, how many of you have shower thoughts Like, I have the best thoughts, two places. Number one, when I'm taking my walk without, like, earbuds, anything, just like me, my thoughts. And number two, when I'm in the shower, I don't play music. When I'm in the bathroom, I just take my shower, get in, get out. But that's when we can really have these breakthroughs because what we're doing is we're turning down the noise outside so we can amplify the voice within. We already have all the answers that we're searching for, and this just really allows us tune into them. So test taking that day off. Another one is really automating and delegating.

Amy [00:11:04]:

If you're finding yourself repeating the same things over and over and over the same tasks, answering the same questions. It's time to streamline. You can create templates, use some of the amazing automation tools that are available, or even delegate. It's okay to outsource key tasks here and there. Just because you're a solopreneur doesn't mean that you have to have employees under you. You can really streamline your business when you take that step back and utilize the amazing resources that are out there. And the other thing is set work hours. Your business should fit into your life, not take over it.

Amy [00:11:46]:

Make sure you schedule breaks in your day, take a lunch break, take time to move, to be. You're not designed to work 24, 7. You are not a doctor. People don't need to be able to get a hold of you 24, 7. And it's hard because being busy makes us feel important, doesn't it? It's an ego thing. I get it, I've been there. But once you realize, you know what? This isn't as pressing as I thought it was, you really start to regain that control of your business. So sign number three.

Amy [00:12:26]:

Your personal life is suffering. So if your health, relationships, even your own personal interests or hobbies have taken a backseat because you're always too busy, it's a sign your business might be demanding more of you than it should. And I get it again, when you're passionate about your business, it's so easy to let it take over, but it's not a long term sustainable strategy. And this shows up in ways that you can't. Remember the last time you had a day off where you didn't think about work, or you feel disconnected from your family and friends because your business always comes first. Or maybe you've noticed that you're just exhausted, you're stressed, you're not eating right, you're skipping meals because you're so busy. But remember, your business should support your life, not consume it. So how can we fix this? What can we do? We can redefine success.

Amy [00:13:26]:

If your definition of success means working around the clock, maybe it's time to shift your perspective. True success is in building a business that allows you to enjoy your life, not just work through it. Systems and structure. That's what creates freedom at the end of the day. And when you start to prioritize things like yourself, exercise, sleeping, eating right. This gives you more energy to make better decisions as a business owner. Because if you're running on fumes, how can you serve your clients? How can you put your best face forward? Rest isn't a reward. Even our cell phones at the end of the day, what happens if we don't plug them back in? They go dead.

Amy [00:14:20]:

It's the same thing with us. We need to take the time to plug ourselves back in in and take control, really prioritizing our well being so that we can best serve others. So let's do a quick recap. Are you feel like you're Are you constantly working but you're not seeing the results you want? Does it feel like your business is running you instead of the other way around? Or is your schedule packed with tasks, never ending to do's but lacking real strategy? And if you've nodded yes to any, or maybe all of these, I don't want you to stress about it. I want you to celebrate it. You know why? Because awareness is the first step to change. And now that you see it, you can start making shifts, you can start taking action to run your business the way that you want. I want you to save this episode and work through the action steps we covered.

Amy [00:15:24]:

Because when you approach this with curiosity and not judgment, you have that awareness and you can see results. It is time to simplify your growth. And at the end of the day, like I always say, your metrics will always show you exactly where to focus. And if you are not tracking them yet, now is the perfect time to start. Because at the end of the day, success isn't about doing more, it's about doing what works. Until next time, stop guessing and start growing.


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